view German version

Every webmaster knows that after a new e-mail address is published on a Web
page the corresponding account is soon filled up with spam.

Why is this so? Spammers for several years now have been using
spiders/crawlers on the World Wide Web to continually search the contents
of sites for the "@" character and collect every e-mail address they find
for inclusion in their target address databases.

MAILTO GUARD can encode your e-mail address so that it can't be recognised
by spammer tools, but remains perfectly visible (and functional!) to you
and the vistiors of your page.

A free executable version (no installation required) for Windows is
available as well as this online Flash version for immediate use. There's
also a universal version available for Mac, Linux or any operating system
supporting the Flash Player plugin
(thx to Darrel for the perfect text translation )

Online version (Flash):


Windows (all versions)
MAC, Linux and others
(Flash plugin required)